Sunday, November 8, 2015

Explore Your Past Lives in Oklahoma City and Houston

Second Generation Hypnotherapist Mark Johnson is returning to Oklahoma City for Life Between Lives, Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions this month.

"I usually schedule my trips 6-8 weeks out, but this one was less than a month. With all the calls and emails I had been receiving in a short time, I knew it was time to return to Oklahoma for more sessions," Mark shared.

Mark grew up in Charleston, SC and was allowed to watch his father hypnotize people and even got to watch as he took some people back to explore their past lives. As far back as 10 years old Mark watched in amazement as his father took a neighbor back to explore her life as a caveman.

He began learning hypnosis in 2003 and continued taking classes from coast to coast while holding down a day job. A series of events lead to Mark begin unemployed and he took that as a hint that he needed to work full time as a hypnotherapist.

He knew he'd need to do more than see clients and he is still working on new aspects of his business. Currently Mark sees hypnotherapy clients in Dallas and travels to Houston, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Hot Springs, San Antonio, Atlanta and Charleston, SC for Life Between Lives, Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions. The combination of working in Dallas as well as other locations has provided him with the ability to grow his business as well as work with his passion which is Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives.

With an extensive background in classroom instruction, it was only a matter of time before Mark began to teach Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression. While he only teaches Past Life Regression in Dallas, he travels, along with his wife, to Houston, Atlanta and Phoenix to teach their Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training.

For more information about Hypnotherapy Training and Certification visit is new website and for specific information about Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training visit his main website. For information on what he calls spiritual Hypnotherapy, visit his Past Life Regression website.

People typically find Mark online, so if you are reading this, you are not alone. A combination of his own websites, blogs, directory listings and websites such as The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy provide contact information for Mark's hypnotherapy sessions and his classes.

What are you waiting for, click those links and find out more about his upcoming visits to Oklahoma City and Houston and his training schedule in Dallas and beyond. If you made it this far you must be interested in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy Training or Past Life Regression Training.

#pastliferegression #lifebetweenlives #quantumhealinghypnosis #qhht #reincarnation #MichaelNewton #BrianWeiss #DoloresCannon